MANSTU? / “bönd” – REMEMBER? / bonds

Sýning og innsetning í tilefni

60 ára afmælis Borgarskjalasafns Reykjavíkur

  1. – 21. September 2014

Tjarnarsalur Ráðhúss Reykjavíkur

Opin kl. 8 – 19 virka daga og helgar kl. 12 – 18.


Sýningin MANSTU? er samstarfsverkefni Borgarskjalasafns Reykjavíkur og Guðrúnar Sigríðar Haraldsdóttur hönnuðar og myndlistarmanns. Á sýningunni er varpað upp svipmyndum af þeim ríka safnkosti sem Borgarskjalasafn varðveitir. Lögð er áhersla á skjöl frá síðastliðnum 60 árum, eða frá stofnun safnsins. Sýnd eru skjöl bæði frá einstaklingum og Reykjavíkurborg, sem og prentað efni tengt Reykvíkingum sem líklegt er að kveiki minningar hjá mörgum borgarbúum. Safnið varðveitir skjöl sem tengjast lífi flestra borgarbúa á einn eða annan hátt.

Hluti af sýningunni er innsetning Guðrúnar Sigríðar „bönd“, sem byggð er á efnivið úr safninu ásamt nýju efni sem hún hefur safnað sérstaklega fyrir verkið. Innsetningin er unnin með blandaðri tækni með efni og aðferð sem Guðrún Sigríður hefur þróað í verkum sínum á síðastliðnum árum. „bönd“, eins og mörg verk Guðrúnar Sigríðar er leit að því sem sameinar okkur – samnefnara samfélags-sálarinnar – og byggist á þörfinni til að skipuleggja, raða og flokka tilvist okkar og umhverfi. Einmitt þessi atriði skírskota sérstaklega til starfsemi Borgarskjalasafns sem byggir á söfnun, varðveislu og framsetningu efnis.



Exhibition and Installation Celebrating

the 60th Anniversary of Reykjavík Municipal Archives

3rd to 21st September 2014

Tjarnarsalur Exhibition Hall, Reykjavik City Hall

Open Mon–Fri 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, weekends from noon to 6:00 pm

The exhibition REMEMBER? is a collaboration between the Municipal Archives of Reykjavík and Guðrún Sigríður Haraldsdóttir designer and artist. With emphasis on documents from the past 60 years, the exhibition reflects the rich collection of records preserved by the Archives since its foundation. The exhibition may spark the memories of many guests as it presents documents from individuals, the Municipality and printed material connected to inhabitants of Reykjavík through the years. The Municipal Archives preserves documents and records closely connected to the lives of most citizens of Reykjavík in one way or another.

A part of the exhibition is Guðrún Sigríður’s installation “bonds” which is based on archival material as well as new images specially collected for the installation. In the installation Guðrún Sigríður works with mixed media, using materials and methods she has invented and developed in her art practice in recent years. As many of Guðrún Sigríður’s works, “bonds” is a search for what unites us – a common denominator of the society-soul – and is based on our need to organize, arrange and order our existence and environment. In its essence this relates to the purpose of the Archives – collection, preservation and presentation of material.









PV of my exhibition, SIM Gallery, Reykjavik, 4.Oct.2013

A few photos from the opening, which was a lovely event – old and new friends attended and more!

Bus Interchange – Public Art Commission – Northampton

I am one of 3 artists that have been commissioned to do Public Art for the new Bus Interchange in Northamton, glazed metal structure – I am heading for the ceiling!



Artists selected to bring town’s history to life

Next year, visitors arriving in Northampton’s new North Gate bus station will see the town’s heritage brought to life through three works of art.

Three artists have been chosen to bring their creative talents to Northampton and tell the story of our town. Northampton Borough Council and NN Contemporary Art Northampton selected three artists from 27 applications to work on a fitting welcome to Northampton.

Thanks to £75,000 funding from Arts Council England, each artist will have the opportunity to create a celebration of our town’s heritage in the new landmark building.

Over the next few weeks Catherine Bertola, Gudrun Haraldsdottir and Fiona Heron will come up with ideas and plans for how their installations will work together to bring our heritage alive in a unique and interesting way.

Councillor David Mackintosh, Leader of Northampton Borough Council  said: “Each artist has come forward with some interesting ideas and a good portfolio of previous work. Northampton has a really rich history, and we have a fascinating story to tell, so I am looking forward to seeing how each artist brings these elements out in their design.

“Our town is finally getting a modern facility that is welcoming, bright, safe and clean in the heart of the town centre. So where better to help people discover the story of Northampton.”

Catherine Hemelryk, Artistic Director of NN Contemporary Art Northampton said: “We are delighted to be involved in the installation of art works in the Bus Interchange, especially as the site is our old home – the Fishmarket – and to celebrate the heritage of the town with contemporary art.”

There will be an opportunity to see the design each artist creates later in the year.